The Power of Thought (Your mindset)

If you've ever opened any self-help book you know they all mention one thing. The power of the mind, and its ability to change everything around you. Here are a couple of my favorites for you guys to check out.

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill
"Money Master the Game" by Tony Robbins
"Atomic Habits" by James Clear
"Can't Hurt Me" by David Goggins
"Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki
"Blood in My Eye" by George Jackson

Be sure to check out my Instagram profile if you want to see my full recommended book list! 

Back to the topic though, is the mind really powerful enough to change your entire life? Think different and be different? Is it that simple?

Or is this a concentrated effort to push these ideas?

The skeptic says yes, this is a giant conspiracy but why? How can our thoughts be powerful enough to change our lives and the world around us? and what do they gain by tricking us into believing this?

The realist in me has come to accept the hard truth. "That your mindset is everything." If you have a shit mindset, you'll have a shit life. Life happens for you, not to you. Everything happens for you to be your best self; everything is in the plan. Embrace the concept of Radical Accountability. It sucks, but it teaches you to accept and change the things you can, while other things are just simply out of your control, but your reaction to them is still YOUR DECISION. and for the most part, everything in your life is a result of your thinking & actions. 

So yes, your perspective really does shape the world around you. So many people live unsatisfied lives because they aren't aware their perspective affects everything from how you'll react to an event to how you go about shaping your day and acting in front of others.

So how does this apply to your life?

Change can be hard, but you have to be the type of person who can adapt, your mind has to be resilient. The gym is one of my favorite ways to challenge myself and teach myself that you're stronger than I know. Weights & exercise allow you to physically see your strength and test your endurance and what you're capable of physically and even mentally.

Then there are things like the Sauna and Cold Plunges that help you push yourself not just physically in drastic temperatures but also mentally by willingly submitting yourself to such conditions. Running will take you to a place where it's just you and your thoughts 1 on 1. Fitness is one of the greatest arenas to test your mind.

You have to push yourself to find out what you're capable of so take this message and push yourself beyond your limits this week.

You can do it!


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