Functional Fitness (Why I do this Shit)

 This isn't a hobby, it isn't a game, it's a fucking lifestyle.

I'll admit when I first started working out my mindset was purely focused on just gaining strength and size, it wasn't a lifestyle. I wanted to be attractive, and huge I wanted muscles that commanded respect when you looked my way. So, I busted my ass in the gym and chased the results I dreamed of.

After years of working and learning my way around the weight room, I did get all of those things and more from the gym. 

But that isn't what keeps me going these days. 

I've evolved, I hit my original goal years ago, and these days I'm just refining and recrafting to be the best I can be.

What keeps me going are the myriad of benefits and joy that exercising brings into my life. Functional Fitness translates to an improved quality of life and greater things.

You see a life without exercise is a risky one, our bodies didn't evolve to stay sedentary and not push ourselves and it's dangerous to live as if they did.

Exercise can save us, save our bodies from the natural decay of aging. (Sarcopenia) Save them from bad diets that clog our arteries and increase our chances of death. Just save them from life.

My risk of death and cardiovascular disease is lower, my brain functions at a higher level. I have exceptionally high energy and endurance levels. and my medical cost is lower than those in similar situations who lack consistent exercise. My mood is better, and I even have better control over my muscles than normal individuals lack. This shit is bananas.

I certainly feel like superman when I do a one-armed chin-up. Or when I can lift and walk around the gym with twice my body weight. And I'm always the one people call when they need help moving heavy objects, I can eat relatively whatever I please without a flurry of negative repercussions. Life is good, and exercising allows me to ensure that it remains as good as possible.

My body much like armor is hardened and able to withstand more than the normal person, with no injuries from accidentally moving the wrong way. No getting hurt just because I'm older. Because resistance training made my bones denser than the average person helping me avoid future accidents.

Exercise has so many real-life benefits, that this post would turn into a novel if I listed them all. So do yourself a favor and stay tuned to realize the life-changing benefits that exercise can give you.

Without it, you risk your circulatory system decaying, risk obesity, and more diseases which will in turn incur more medical expenses. You risk your bones becoming weak and brittle severely limiting your quality of life. You risk getting sick more often with a weaker immune system. You risk your happiness.

But it doesn't have to be like that, 3-4 hours of coordinated training can be your saving grace.  A mix of strength training for your muscles and cardiovascular training for your heart and I promise you your life will improve! 

The choice is yours, but everyone has to pay the piper one day. You either pay now or pay later.


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