Getting started: The Warmup
Starting a new task, activity, or anything new really is hard. Our brains like comfort, they enjoy the daily routines we fall into. So, we put it off and try not to think about it. Or some of us over-plan and get analysis paralysis, I definitely have been there more than once. Get distracted and forget about it for some time. Or let it freak us out to the point of doing nothing and feeling bad about it.
But what if this new task is important?
And you can’t keep being put off. Can you afford to keep ignoring it?
What if your doctor warned you against the risk of not living healthier? What happens if you don't change your lifestyle?
What if you pass away unexpectedly what will your loved ones do without you?
What are you giving up?
What if you wanted to start but didn’t know where?
I’m here to tell you sometimes a small step in the right direction is that big start you’ve been waiting for JUST DO SOMETHING. It doesn't have to be well thought out or efficient, just getting started can sometimes be monumental.
Sometimes just taking a walk can be the
start of losing weight or committing to eating healthier and only drinking
sugary drinks with dinner. It does not have to be this well-thought-out plan in
the beginning. As you do more, you will learn more and things will naturally
start to come together.
Getting started can be intimidating, but
do not let that shy you away from the change you envision for yourself. The
hardest part is getting started, once you are in motion it’s easy. It then
gets hard to stop. Think about it, if you have to turn a car on and off
every 5 minutes, instead of leaving it running which one requires more energy?
Let me phrase it like this, is it easier for water to flow down a mountainside?
Or go through a bunch of boulders and obstructions?
If you need motivation find a friend new
or old that you trust, maybe they're already going through a similar situation
and can be your accountability partner in becoming better. The goal is to find
someone who will help you get started. Having the support of another can make
an intimidating task fun, try it.
Break out the pen & paper and break the task into something manageable, each day complete another step, then in a week check back at your progress and see how far you've come. 1% everyday can add up before you know it.
Progress begets progress, movement really
is momentum. So today take that small step towards the life you deserve and
begin that new change. Start saving $10 a week if you want to start saving
more. Start walking or being active for 15, to 20 minutes a day. Show up for
yourself and do what has to be done.
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