Accidentally Offended?
Have you ever encountered a meme or some sort of content that attacks you personally?
Like you're minding your business and some author/speaker just says something seemingly irrelevant, yet these irrelevant words go into one ear and straight into the brain. To be hurt by.
The icing on the cake is someone recommended this content to me, do they believe I need it? Is that why I feel attacked? Because I've been mortally wounded in my Achilles heel.
The reality is none of this is probably real and my overactive mind is just running through the motions. lol, got to love anxiety.
But I actually was recommended a book, literally less than 48 hours ago. I picked it up, another new book, if my fiancé-to-be is reading this she's probably shaking her fist as she stares at my unread book collection.) But you guys know I'm a nerd and love reading so this week it's another from my favorite category.
Self Help babbyyy.
The Six Pillars of Healthy Self-Esteem By: Dr. Nathaniel Branden
Quick Synopsis 👇
Here are the Six Pillars of Self-Esteem
1. Practice Living Consciously
2. The Practice of Self-Acceptance
3. Practice of Self Responsibility.
4. Practice of Self Assertiveness
5. The Practice of Living Purposely
6. The Practice of Personal Integrity
I'm not going to go into the nuisances of the book. I would only do it a disservice. Instead, I advise you to get yourself a copy and evaluate for yourself your level of self-esteem.
The point is it may be lower than you think.
Or maybe you're killing it at life and I commend you for that. As I realized, strutting around thinking I feel good in life, only to realize my "bad days" are more often than not days when my self-esteem fluctuates to a lower level.
Moving on, the main premise of the book boils down to two main points.
Self Esteem can be broken down into Self Efficacy & Self Respect. How you feel about yourself internally, your place in the world, and how you're perceived and your role in society.
Without proper self-esteem, you risk making your life unnecessarily difficult. So do yourself a favor grab a copy and check out this lit literature.
On that note OG Out. Happy Training!✌️
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