(Yes, all caps are necessary this is serious damnit!)
Straight to business this week, no fluff. Life has me STRESSED, and stress can be good and stimulate growth. But this stress is getting on my goddamn nerves. We all know the struggle of not having enough money for the trifecta Wants< Necessities <Savings.
I MEAN damn how hard is it to live wildly and have a good time, save enough money for emergencies AND investing, and just pay your bills.
The answer is at least pretty damn hard at first but no worries.
Like Nipsey said "I ain't got a boss, I am not a slave. Turning up my hustle is how I give myself a raise."
So it's just revamping my efforts and being a bit more productive than the day before, this isn't actually hard in theory. If you're a faithful Outlaw ;) then you'll know I seriously believe that theoretically, 1% daily can be compounded into 1000%. (This may or may not be correct; I was horrible at math in academia.)
The point is though those small improvements matter, so naturally I look back and evaluate what I've done. How else can I improve if I'm not introspective of myself?
and beyond the things I can improve on I was forced to realize that I've made progress to be proud of
But it's still GREAT!
Years ago, I never imagined I could be a business owner, yet here I am doing it, In something that I love.
I literally get paid to be fit and healthy, how cool is that?
I have multiple streams of incoming. I train privately, I teach group exercises and I can invest and trade.
I'm seeing more of the world and experiencing amazing new things.
I'm going to events and meeting life-changing individuals!
Life is GOOD, not going to lie.
I wasn't always in this position, and I'm not going to be here forever. So it's my responsibility to not only enjoy it but to propel myself out of it. Be proud and still ready to move on to greater.
(Type A people) In life, we don't give ourselves the pat on the back we deserve for taking that big step forward, and we SHOULD. It doesn't mean being content and pausing the grind. But it does mean being honest, accepting, maybe even celebrating, and moving forward with these ideals in mind.
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