There SAID must be efficient and conclusive to training goals!

Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands

Say what?

No, it's SAID what.

SAID is what?

Let me break it down for you.

Your training has to be in the realm of specificity i.e. close to your goal to help you advance. Can't be running trying to enter a powerlifting comp. Fitness is a skill, that has to be constantly developed and worked on.

Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands, is a catchy acronym to remind you that you get what you train for!

For example, Running 10 miles is not going to help you get stronger under a barbell. Maybe mentally but that physical adaptation of running endurance doesn't do much if anything for lifting. and vice versa getting stronger under a barbell won't do much to help you improve your long-distance running! Who knew?!?!?!

All this means is that if you want to be a better runner, then run more. If you want speed practice sprints, power, explosiveness. If you want distance or endurance then your training has to be the type that benefits that skill and it can't just be willy-nilly.

If you want to be a better lifter lift more. But get more specific and tune into your goals. If you're trying to get larger and increase your muscular size then in your training you should be striving for a pump. Or you can be banging out Myo-Reps (Look it up). These are the SPECIFIC stresses that will cause your body to specifically ADAPT to hypertrophy.

If you don't know what the hell this means educate yourself, Outlaw! Or find a knowledgeable coach to help you figure things out!


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