Never saw this coming

A year ago I made a really great decision that continues to ripple out and have unintended consequences beneficial, but wholly unexpected consequences.

I took a chance on myself and my career and put myself out there to become a group exercise instructor, I've already known subconsciously that most successful and wealthy people have no issue with public speaking, so it was going to be something I'd have to conquer one day and it was a way to teach exercise so I figured "What the hell why not?"

Nevertheless if you told me 18 months ago I'd be a glorified prince charming version of a gym teacher. I'd probably have laughed in your face. But alas here I am, and I'm loving every part of it. The doors it has opened and the confidence it has given me feel awesome. I've met many great people, been forced to adapt outside of my comfort zone and just become a better instructor and athlete and it's amazing. Hell it's even made my brain develop more.

So that's why I'm writing this post, because when you have a dream or a goal. You have got to cling to that motherfucker like your life depends on it. The universe, God, whomever determines the events of this wacky world. Has a plan in place and we don't always have the foresight to understand it. Sometimes the plan might take you on a detour or even a dirt road, but just follow the path you set out for yourself. Put your best foot forward and I promise you progress will happen one way or another.

This ain't no empirical researched opinion, ain't no personal anecdotes here either. Just straight witchcraft, review Arnold Schwarzenegger's biography or Thomas Edison  for examples they aren't the only two either. The universe works in mysterious ways. This is further documented in Napoleon Hill's Think & Grow Rich.

Back the point becoming a group exercise has exponentially catapulted my development as a personal trainer. Firstly I've met and learned about so many different body types that my capacity to help is just greater.

My knowledge grows daily, I know how people will typically react after 3 hard sets. and while it hasn't helped me gain any direct clients, it's has helped show people what I'm capable of in the weight room . It's opened doors where personal training is just down the hall. Opened the door to Crossfit to me. I can go all day, but I'll save you'll the time. It's made my life something though.

Moral of the Story: Chase your dream and never let go. Pursue it from any angle you can and accept what happens to the best of your ability. Roll with the punches, and maybe throw a few back!


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