I love exercising, by gawd I hope that's clear by now. So it's only natural that recently I took advantage of an opportunity to learn more about the FUNdamentals of CrossFit. Thanks to a mentor of mine I had the opportunity to travel to King of Prussia in Pennsylvania, and damn was it hilly there.
I have to say of all the methodologies of exercise CrossFit is probably rooted in the most sensible logic, and the one I can really vibe with. With the goal being to mimic the 9 functional movements of life by practicing them at high intensity for varying times through 3 different modalities. Monostructural Metabolic Conditioning(Cardio), Gymnastics, and Weightlifting.
Short and essential, what could be better then that?
Idk , but I do know all I'm really interested in is that neuroendocrine response 😉
Cross fit= Cross Functional Fitness
Despite what internet and other's may say. CrossFit is fun, challenging and holds extreme value. For starters while the workouts won't train you to win a bodybuilding or power building. They do train you to live life at your best capacity, and for the majority of people that's what they want out the gym. Not a pump, not a 500lb squat, not even six pack abs, only wild ones reach for those kind of goals in life. Just a lower scale number and better fitting clothes can satisfy many people.
CrossFit can do that, with the varying exercise and different intensities it's very fun and modification friendly. The community is awesome and supportive and forget about boring, almost every day is different.
After the class, the education and months of trying workouts.
My biggest gripe with CrossFit has to be with the science, the training calls for 3 days on one off on repeat. While that probably works for most people, for athletes like me it fries me up. After a couple of weeks of multiple workouts a day my CNS (Central Nervous System) is fried like an Oreo at the state fair and no undulation is coming to save me. Only a serious deload + maybe even some off time allows me to recover.
In the defense of CrossFit, the workouts are heavily varied some days it's low weight for reps other days you're running further distances or doing bodyweight exercises. So it may give some people the chance to recover.
This isn't even a big issue though, everyone's body is different and can take different amounts of stress before signing off for a bit.
So if you like Cross training and doing different things, if challenges get you excited I think you could find a fun exercise program in CrossFit. Easy Peasy.
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