The Role of a Personal Trainer. 10 esential qualities and Common Mistakes and Red flags

So I've talked about the benefits of an coach in another article. But what are you looking for in a coach? I'll outline it here, as well as what to stay away from.

What to look for ✔️ 

  • Credentials- these aren't everything, but science does grow and change. You probably don't want a doctor who's last continuing education was over a decade ago. Hold your coach to the same standard.
  • Motivational and Discipline- Some days we all need a little push, that what the motivation is for. Other days we just need to stand in line and be told what the hell to do, that's what discipline is for. A good coach can help you understand the differences, limitations and benefits of both approaches and how to play off of them for a good workout!
  • Personalized Approach- You pay for this, so you better get a personalized plan for you to Win! Your trainer should listen to you and implement any changes, limitations, or preferences to create the best plan for you. How else will you reach your best self?
  • Communication Skills- You're probably be spending a bit of time with this coach, so you want to make sure they speak well in a language you understand, articulate themselves and just are clear about objectives and critiques.
  • Experience- Somebody had to be a first client to every coach so this one is multifaceted but generally you want someone with experience, NO NEWBIES ALLOWED.

What to avoid  

  • If you feel like that person doesn't listen or communicate well, RUN.
  • Lack of Professionalism.
  • Push or aggressive behavior- we all start somewhere. We don't need the coach who kills you or pushes your beyond your limits every workout. There's a time and place for everything.
  • Risky or unsafe behavior- the gym can be dangerous, we don't need idiots making it worse.
  • Lackluster attention- A distracted trainer can't really watch your form or make the necessary critiques and this lack of interest can hurt your progress and motivation.
  • Personally I have disdain for Fitness influencers, they aren't all bad and there are some I like. But too many have been caught lying and doing things that harm the fitness ethos they swear by. That's counterproductive so just watch out for them.
There you have it folks! Happy Training!


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