It Literally Takes Less Than 5 Minutes To Prevent Injury With This Simple Warm-Up Routine
When I’m in a rush to get a workout in, one of the first things I'm tempted to cut is the warm-up. Just go in hot and get the work started! Likewise I imagine many of you share the same feeling, as I see popping just walking in the gym and popping off.
But that's not a good choice; it's actually a dangerous one. You see, not warming up leaves you cold. (haha) Your blood isn’t flowing the way it needs to for exercise, your heart isn’t ready, and your joints and muscles haven’t been primed to perform their best. Lifting heavy weights or even using sloppy form with no warm-up can leave you injured and messed up.
So the next time you think about skipping that warm-up, DON’T!
What you can do instead to save time but still warm up properly is simple. I tell all my students and members to just mimic the movements you planned on doing that day at a lighter intensity.
Before diving into heavy barbell squats, do some bodyweight squats to get the blood flowing in those muscles, push-ups for before bench, inverted rows before rows. Even chin-ups and dips can be a sufficient warm-up if you're strong enough!
A nice way to know if you're warmed up is to feel your body temperature. Are you feeling hot or starting to sweat? This is a sign that your body is heating up and you're ready to go! The best part is that these methods don't take more than two minutes – who doesn't have two minutes to ensure the best workout results?
Now, let's go over the benefits of warming up before a workout:
1. Prevent Injury:Warming up prior to your cardio or strength training session is essential for preventing injury. Research also shows that a proper warm-up can help your muscles relax before a tough workout, leading to fewer sprains, strains, and tears.
2.Improve Performance: A proper warm-up prepares your nervous system and muscles to perform optimally. Studies also show that warm muscles help you train more effectively and efficiently.
3.Maximize Range of Motion: Warming up before a workout is essential for maximizing your range of motion and loosening your joints. Research has also found that promoting the joint's range of motion decreases passive stiffness of the muscles, ultimately priming you for success and reducing the risk of injury.
Remember, the more you know, the more you can become!
Outlaw out! ✌️
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