Definitions Define Destiny.


You guys see what I did there? Used my alliteration skills to craft a meaningful, literal, and life-changing statement.

Okay, okay, all jokes aside, I was speaking with a mentor of mine recently because even coaches need to be coached sometimes. And we were talking about definitions. I do a lot of defining things when we speak—defining myself, defining important terms, even defining emotions. Because defining things is important to comprehending them. I didn’t know it at first, and I’m still figuring out just how powerful it is, but it’s something. If things aren’t defined, they aren’t clear, and when they aren’t clear, how can you be confident in any action taken? You don’t know what you’re doing!

So let’s keep it simple, let’s start with defining words. Allow me to paint a mental picture almost as genius as the title.

You’re arguing with your spouse, going at it because who knows why. Maybe you didn’t do something you said you would. We’ve all been there. Words are flying—hopefully, nothing too harmful—names are called, and you get called unreliable. Ouch, it stings, but your next response can affect everything.

Now, you can argue back and deny or get straight to the point.

You could say anything , as you would any other time ; like you just forgot this one time. And then they’ll respond, and you’ll keep going until you reach what solution?


Ask them to define what they mean. By doing that, not only will you hear from their perspective, but it gives you the ability to know exactly how to fix this issue. When they define whatever term things are no longer left to assumption. You know what makes you unreliable and thus you know what actions can solve your issue.

See how defining words could potentially be useful yet? If not, stay tuned, I got another example, Outlaws!

This example pertains to you guys; it’s about your habits, your personality. Think about who you are, what you like to do. Some of us like to crack jokes and be known as goofy. Others carry themselves very seriously and define themselves as stoic or sophisticated. And then there are people like me and you who consider ourselves lifelong athletes. We might train for a short-term purpose, but we’re really about the long-term health benefits.

Think about what athletes do; they exercise and perform. And that sounds like something we do on the daily in the gym, and life. We show up at the gym consistently to exercise and perform in life—either saving the day by opening pickle jars or making the professional moving team seem like rookies.

So when it comes to defining yourself, it’s important to be clear about who you are, what you’re going to do. In this case, how do you know the best actions to take if you don’t define who you are, define what you want? Here too, you have to be clear about definitions because the way you define yourself gives you power, confidence, and discipline to follow through with your intentions. So, that’s why it’s important to be clear about defining who you are, your habits.

I just gave you guys two examples, but can you now notice how important properly defining things are? The title may be hyperbolic, but definitions really do affect how your life will play out. 

Hope this article finds you at a good time in your training. Outlaw out! ✌🏾


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