Men We Don't Talk Enough About Brain Fit ess. Let’s Change the Conversations.

My guys, we have a problem. We lift, we strive to constantly be better and yet most of us suffer from something and it takes the best of us every year. As the title suggest It’s mental health, or as I like to call it brain fitness. According to the CDC

“The suicide rate among males in 2021 was approximately four times higher than the rate among females. Males make up 50% of the population but nearly 80% of suicides.” 

There is a myriad of possible reasons, societal expectations of what it means to be a man. Family expectations and not living up to a certain standard. How at times men can be chastised or even labeled as complaining or being weak when they express how they feel.

Don’t get me wrong some guys out there complain about everything and can always find something wrong. Almost like if you’re a hammer everything looks like a nail to you.

But actually expressing your mental status, how you’re actually feeling about yourself and the world is not weak. Being able to articulate your feelings and complex things is a skill. And too many of us suffer from thinking that silence is the better option.

I have had my own mental fitness struggles in the past, and sometimes life occasionally gets me down in the dumps. How could I not? I’m human, and not an emotionless robot. But it doesn’t matter, life’s a marathon remember? That means you keep going in the direction of whatever you’re striving for. Maybe you didn’t get that job or position you’re striving for. Maybe you just got out of a rough relationship. Or even picking yourself up after a setback. In a marathon you keep going until the finish line, obstacles be damned. You just keep moving some progress is better than none.

And when you’re down and upset and you don’t know what to do. For Christ sakes find a therapist or a confidant. Someone you trust to express yourself too. Not every situation can be resolved but talking and hearing an unbiased opinion for evaluation can only make you better.

If you can’t find someone, find a healthy Outlet to express yourself until you do. Me personally? After a good workout and a sauna session I could negotiate peace in the Middle East. So what’s that activity for you? Is it running? Hiking? Or maybe it’s mental, does a good game of sudoku wear you out? 

You can’t constantly absorb life and all it entails without an outlet, that’s how you get overwhelmed. Too much and you’re filled to the brim, so find a reprieve. Or you may be forced into one.

Remember a man is someone who takes care of his responsibilities, excuses be damned. That means making sure your brain fitness, physical fitness, and status are at a point that you can do what is required of you. Whatever you decide that is, because you are your own responsibility too.


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