Warning this article may contain graphic/colorful language. If this offends you, read it anyway get the message, don't take it personally, and understand I just want the best for you.
You ever just do hard shit for the sake of doing hard shit?
Sometimes you just have to prove some shit is real, and not everyone gets it. But for some of us doing hard things is the avenue we travel down to accomplish greatness. I do hard things, I take the road less traveled, take unorthodox approaches. All to prove I'm that f*cking guy and I can actually do what I say I will do.
Case in point, recently I ran a 10-mile race with little to no recent running training and it went great! At first, it was about being lazy and preserving my gains over running. But I still wanted to run and be swoll, you know prove I was really one of the best trainers/athletes out there. ( I like to do a couple of races a year to add some fun to life)
So the race became an obstacle, is my mind strong enough to run 10 miles for the first time with little to no training? and If I can what else can I do if I actually concentrate.
Not going to lie the race was hard, but it wasn't the hardest thing I've done. Not even close. My time was about 98 minutes, so I'm pleased. It's me vs me and I did it!
I got a hefty mental deposit. One big enough to fund a thousand-dollar trade in the market and get back to you guys with the how-to guide.
So this post is a small shoutout to my Savage Outlaws out there who conquer hard shit as part of their normal life. I salute you, I praise you and I cannot wait to compete and congratulate you in the future.
Side note: I don't recommend running any distance without prior training, running is hard on the body and without the proper precautions can become dangerous. So watch out! and Train wisely!
Outlaw Out ✌️
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