Update on Losses

Don't hide them losses, you have to show the world what's really happening. Give everyone the whole picture and not some rose-colored glasses to view me through.

So this is my losses update.

Let's see I've gotten stuck under 225/135/ 300lbs you name it I probably did something stupid with it in the gym.

Hurt my back by learning how to lift and Squat heavy, literally tweak my back every few months because I get excited doing deadlifts and forget the vital form details in the heat of the moment.

Lost maybe a hundred or two on a couple of trades, my biggest loss was $350 but forget about it. Still love the market and all it can offer my life. 

Don't get the wrong idea I'm not a true degenerative gambler, I'm an investor. I can recognize and study my losses and setbacks. I make plans to overcome them. I love and will always invest in my health and finances. Two important lessons I've learned are:

* You only get one life so cherish it and do all you can to protect and grow it. Without your health what can you do?

* Preservation of capital is the most important rule of money, protect your finances at all costs. Without money what can you do?

Losses are just tuition to be paid for this millionaire education I'm chasing after. Every loss provides a lesson to grow from. Because in the end life happens for me NOT to me. Everything goes into making me my best self.

I've made a couple thousand from the market so I'm not stressed about a loss. I'm doing everything I can to minimize them in the future. As for the gym, I'm able to teach classes, have a great physique, and constantly earn accolades or medals for my hard work. I'm satisfied as hell, while simultaneously being eager for more.

In the end, all I can say is the losses are REAL, but the gains are more real we persevere until the end of this marathon.

Outlaw Out ✌️


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